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Mortalite hospitaliere infantile au Chu de Kara
Methods: It is about an analysis of files of children of 0 to 15 years old admitted in the paediatric ward at CHU-Kara during the year 2003. The studied parameters were anthropological, epidemiological, and aetiological.
Results: The 126 children deaths kept out of 136 recorded represent 11.15% of admitted children with a sex ratio of 1.25. Neonatal mortality (43.5%) especially precocious (38.9%) remains raised. Only 42.8% of patients had less than 24 hours of delay of consultation. Deaths in the 24h of admission occurred in 66.7%, 48% of these deaths during guards. The main causes of deaths were neonatal affections (neonatal suffering, sepsis, prematurity) in 42%, severe malaria (25.5%), and anaemia (8.7%).
Conclusion: Children mortality still high at CHU-Kara with infections the main cause based on nutritional deficit. It requires better preventions and takes illnesses in charge as well as a backing of the
technical tray to improve the prognosis.