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La radiographie thoracique standard dans la pratique de la radiopediatrie a propos de 102 cas colliges aux Chu de Lome
cooperation, the sensibility to ionising radiations and incurred potential risks.
Objectives: Evaluate the various technical aspects and practise chest X-ray at the child and the met difficulties. To estimate the diagnostic contribution of the chest X-ray in current paediatrics pathologies.
Material and method: prospective study of 6 months in the radiology department concerning the observation of the realization of 102 cases of chest X-ray in radiopaediatrics and the interpretation of the
Results: we noted a male ascendancy (55%) and most concerned are the children under 5 years (68.63%). The respiratory distress syndrome (39.22%) and the cough (28.43%) were the main clinical
indications of the chest X ray and the majority of our patients are sent by the paediatrics department (62.75%). 28.43% of our patients were not cooperative and 48.04% among them were retained. 16.67%
underwent at least 2 exposures. In 81.37% of cases, the beam of X-rays is badly stopped down, 80.49% of images are good quality and
17.07% rejected. After the interpretation, 61.76% of results are normal and 38.24% pathological. Pneumopathies is dominant (53.85%). The location of pleurisy lesions and lung diseases are dominant to the right (50%) than the left side (42.11%).
Conclusion: the RT is an exam which plays a decisive diagnostic role in the therapeutic behaviour in paediatrics, but its demand must be preceded by an accurate clinical evaluation to avoid to the children,
especially the infants of useless irradiations.