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Sinusites maxillaires chroniques aspects epidemiologique, diagnostique et therapeutique (Etude prospective a propos de 70 cas colliges a l’hopital national de Nyame)
Results: The average age of the patients was 32 years (7-99 years).The sex ratio was 1.12. Majority of the patients came from Nyamé (64.29%). These patients had been treated without success in 87.14% cases. The average period for consultation was long: 5.14 years (1-11 years). Nasal obstruction (91.43%) and chronic rhinorrhoea (75.75%) were the principal reasons for consultation. The etiological factors were nasal (72.86%) and dental (25.71%). The X-ray showed that the opacity in frame dominated (50%) followed by the total opacity of the maxillary sinus (44.29%). The seat was bilateral in 68% cases. The treatment was medical with 55.71% of the patients. A puncture drainage of the maxillary sinus was associated in 41.43% cases.
Conclusion: The diagnosis of the chronic maxillary sinusitis is clinical, radiological and endoscopic. The etiological factors have to be found out and treated. In almost half of the cases, a surgical gesture has to
be associated with the medical treatment.