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Influence des facteurs socio-culturels sur la disponibilite et la consommation de plantes alimentaires au Togo
An ethnobotanical survey carried out in Togo has inventoried 37 spontaneous and cultivated food species of which the availability and consumption are influenced negatively by sociocultural factors. On
the basis of their frequency, the food changes of practices (65%), the introduction of new varieties of plants (63%), the attraction for the exotic plants (60%), the dislocation of the family structures (47%),
social discriminations on the basis of ethnical membership, age groups and socio-economic (32%), the development of the monotheists religions (28%), the sociocultural considerations, (28%) the
development of individualism (24%), the loss of the social values (19%) and traditional knowledge (13%) are the most accused factors. The ethnical groups being in the poles of high density felt more
these various causes remain overlapping and push people to get up varieties of plants which are very implied in the culinary receipts in the old time. Becoming less and less present in the daily uses of the
households, these plants do not profit any more any attention of the populations and are then threatened of disappearance.