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La thrombose veineuse chez l'enfant: Observation a propos d'un cas de resistance a la proteine C activee(RPCA)
Introduction: Thromboembolic pathology reaches the child as well as the adult. However, there exists between these two populations, a difference about frequency and the risk factors. Indeed, venous thromboses are less frequent in the child. Apart from venous thrombosis on central venous catheters, it is fundamental to search a hereditary thrombophilie. Objective: the aim of this observation was to stress the importance of the search for a constitutional anomaly of the haemostasis in venous thromboses of the child.
Observation: It has been about a 12 year old child, Togolese, male sex, which was allowed on december 13th, 2005 at the International Polyclinic St Joseph of Lome. He had inflammatory oedema of the right
thigh and fever, evolving for one week, without traumatism. The blood pressure and the weight were normal. Venous echocardiography and doppler of the lower limbs sow a thrombosis of the right common
femoral vein. The specific biological analyses carried out in the university hospital of Frankfurt in German permit to diagnose a resistance to the activated protein C related to the factor V Leiden. The evolution under anticoagulant treatment was favourable, without complication.
Conclusion: Venous thromboses are less frequent in the child. However, it is fundamental to search a constitutional anomaly of the haemostasis.