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Tumeurs mandibulaires : Aspects epidemiologiques et anatomopathologiques(a propos de 180 cas colliges au laboratoire d’anatomie pathologique du Chu de Lome)
Introduction: Several series of studies on the tumors of the mandible have brought light on their anatomopathological and epidemiological aspects in Western and some African countries. Only few studies of this kind have been carried out in our countries.
Objectives: Study the anatomopathological and epidemiological aspects of the tumors of the mandible in order to compare the literature data.
Methodology: It is an analytic, descriptive and retrospective study conducted over a period of 10 years at the ENT and the Anatomo-pathology Departments of CHU in Lomé.
Results: The tumors of the mandible represented in our study 16.90% of the ORL tumors. The women with 50.56%, were more hit than the men. The young people were the most hit (less than 20 years old:
60%; less than 30 years old: 80%). The benign tumors represented 65% and were dominated by the Ameloblastoma. The malignant tumors represented 10% and were dominated by the Burkitt tumor.
Pseudotumors lesions represented 25% and were represented by the cysts.
Conclusion: Ameloblastoma and Burkitt tumor were the principal tumors of the mandible. The seat was at the all level of the mandible. Young people were the most hit.