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Religion and the quest of peace and happiness in a world of nuclear age

P Walla


Facing the threats of the jihadist groups that sprout everywhere today as poisonous mushrooms, it imports to wonder about the fate of a nuclear world that is ours. The jihadist groups such as Hamas, Hizbullah, Al Qaeda, Aqimi, Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, etc. destabilizing the world nowadays, menacing dangerously the world peace and the security, creating thus the psychosis in the mind of people all over the world, call themselves religious people, that is, committed Moslems, the jihadists, the fighters or the warriors of the holy war. The religion having for goal to be in good terms with God, to be in harmony with God and with our fellow men, to gather and to unify all sons of
the world, how do we understand these current war crises caused not by unbelievers but also and especially by the jihadists, some entities claiming to be religious people within the populations, the communities and even across nations. Making use of the postmodern theory that consists in redefining the political, sociocultural and religious stakes of the period related to the postwar times in view of a pluralistic and serene world, this article consists in revisiting the convictions of two big religions that are Islam and Christianity in relation to the war, to the peace keeping and to the stability in the world.

Keywords: Christianity, Islam, jihadists, war, peace.