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An Assessment of Image Quality of Radiographs in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital by Film Densitometry

A. O. Edom
G. B. Inah
N. O. Egbe


3000 radiographs covering chest, upper limb, lower limb,
lumbar spine (AP) and skull (PA) from the University of
Calabar teaching hospital (UCTH) were retrospectively
studied by densitometry to assess the degree of variation
in radiographic contrast over a ten year period (1999 –
2008). The results show that variation in mean
radiographic contrast from year to year was statistically
insignificant (p < 0.05) for the respective projections
studied. This result implies a relatively basic
standardisation in image quality arising from consistency
in technique acquired over time. The results would serve
as a baseline for developing a more robust quality
assurance programme in the hospital.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2736-1063
print ISSN: 2736-1071