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Nulliparity, Delayed Child Birth and Obesity: Potential Risk Factors for Development of Uterine Fibroid in South-South Nigeria

EU Ekpo
VC Ikamaise
A Erim
MA Nnabuchi


Background: Causes of fibroid are still unknown. Despite series of
cytogenetic investigations, the uncertainty remains as to the primary or
secondary genetic changes and their impact on the initiation or
promotion of fibroid development.
Purpose: To determine the effect of obesity, nulliparity and delayed
child birth on the occurrence of uterine fibroid.
Materials and Methods: A prospective sonographic survey was
carried out in a population of women in South-South region of Nigeria.
Ultrasound scan was performed in 240 randomly selected women aged
20 – 45 years, presenting for scans at the time of study. Subjects’ ages
and reproductive history was obtained to ascertain their parity status
and ages at which parous women had their first children.
Results: Results showed a weak positive association (r = 0.1; p<0.05)
between uterine fibroid and delayed child birth and nulliparity at 31-35
years. A strong positive association (r = 0.9; p<0.05) was observed at
36 – 45 years. There was no statistically significant association
between low, normal and high body mass index with uterine fibroid
however, a significant association (r = 0.85; p<0.05) was observed
with obesity.
Conclusion: Delayed child birth and nulliparity after 36 years of age
appeared to be the most potent risk factor for uterine fibroid in the
population studied.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2736-1063
print ISSN: 2736-1071