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Value of Conventional Skull X-Rays Examination in the Evaluation of Patients with Space Occupying Lesions against Computed Tomography in Nigeria

N.O. Chiaghanam
E.B. Eno
C. Nzotta
M.C. Okeji
C. Udo


Background: Today, patients would like to know about their diseases and diagnostic/treatment choices available to aid their medical care. Purpose: To assess the value of conventional skull x-ray examination in the evaluation of patients with intracranial space occupying lesion (SOL) in comparison with Computed Tomography brain scan. Materials and Methods: A total of three hundred and forty four (344) radiographs and seventy two (72) scanograms were used. Radiographs of the skull which queried intra-cranial space occupying lesions, with good contrast and well demonstrated structures as well as an accompanying radiologists report were assessed for contribution to diagnosis, views for detailed information, cost-effectiveness and patient care/management. Findings were compared to computed tomography images of patients with the same conditions. Results: The result showed that the contribution of skull x-ray for patients with suspected (SOL) was 48.55% as against 68.06% for CT scan. Lateral view had 51.50% as a better view against postero- anterior (PA) and other views showing 28.14% and 20.36% respectively. Conclusion: This study showed that conventional skull x-ray should be supplemented by CT scan and other imaging modalities especially in developing countries like Nigeria. This is due to their non- availability and may be affordability by a large number of the populaces.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2736-1063
print ISSN: 2736-1071