Journal of Religion and Human Relations2022-11-18T17:37:21+00:00Rev. Dr. Enoch Patrick Nmahfrches@yahoo.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>In 2022 this journal title was changed from <em>Journal of Religion and Human Relations</em> to <em>UNIZIK Journal of Religion and Human Relations</em>.</strong></p> <p>The <em>Journal of Religion and Human Relations</em> (JORAHR) is an academic journal with focus on religious and human relations issues, but accommodates researches from other disciplines within academic spectrum. The African continent is the main focus.</p> Journal of Religion and Human Relations2022-11-18T17:31:47+00:00Enoch Patrick<p>No abstract.</p>2022-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 0 scourge of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and religious beliefs in Nigeria: matters arising2022-11-18T16:46:30+00:00Ewere Nelson<p><em>COVID-19 is the most recent deadly disease currently ravaging human lives, causing serious socio-economic hardship and generating different religious responses the world over. The various responses and interpretations given to COVID-19 by religious believers in Nigeria necessitate an appraisal of this subject-matter. Therefore, this essay examines the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and religious beliefs in Nigeria with a view to analyse the responses of religious believers to the outbreak of the disease. Data was obtained from existing literature, media reports and observations. Content, critical and constructive methods of analysis were used for data interpretation. The paper avers that Nigerian religious believers express both positive and negative responses with regards to the outbreak, containment and treatment of COVID-19. While some religious believers acknowledged the reality of corona virus and gave the government necessary assistance in tackling the menace, others denied its reality and formulate different conspiracy theories to fault government actions and scientific solutions regarding the containment and treatment of COVID-19. The paper submits that emerging evidences have shown that COVID-19 is real, as such; Nigerians should create a synergy between religion and science in finding lasting solution to the problems emanating from the outbreak of the disease. </em></p>2022-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 0 paradigm for continuous management of Covid 19: an expository analysis of Exodus 12: 1-13 in the Nigerian context2022-11-18T16:49:43+00:00Ogunrinade Adewale Olowoyeye Olurokanbiodunolowo2000@yahoo.comSamuel Oluwasegun<p><em>The droning of the novel coronavirus pandemic has drummed hard around the globe. Experts have come to terms on the ravaging effects of the virus and the way forward. The popular mythical indifferences of coronavirus amongst Nigeria leading to unrealistic perception of the presence of the pandemic is crucial for the study. Currently, the initial threats and emotions fashioned around the presence of the virus is not as magnified, as it was during its inception. This abrupt relaxation is not the same in the Western world, where there are continuous awareness and protocols, regarding the virus. Stakeholders have tended to look at the issue from socio-psychological dynamics without complementing it with the spirituality of the biblical paradigm in making the guidelines sacrosanct for the religious mindset of the Nigerian people. The study adopts descriptive and expository methods of data analysis. The study will further create awareness of the biblical paradigm for the continuous management of coronavirus in Nigeria. It is discovered that there is a blend of measurements promoted by secular dynamics that are in conformity with Exodus 12 for disease control. This can be used for the management of coronavirus in Nigeria where the reality of the virus is becoming oblivious in social, religious and economic interaction. This paper therefore, recommend firmness and compliance towards the effective outcome of the pandemic control through collaborative efforts and constant reminders by the government and the church.</em></p>2022-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 0 life vanity? Reinterpreting the <i>Qoheleth’s</i> elusive use of <i>Hevel</i> in Ecclesiastes2022-11-18T16:51:42+00:00Obedbe Mmesomachukwu<p><em>Over the years, the translation of hevel as “vanity” has had great influence in the history of the exegesis of Ecclesiastes. This present author has often heard or seen preachers use the text under study to caution people about the “vanity” of life and of acquisition of riches. Often preachers have used this text to call their audience to “abandoned resignation”; since for them, the Qoheleth’s statements connote that all that occurs under the sun is “vanity”. This paper tries to critically reexamine how the Qoheleth uses the word, hevel in Ecclesiastes in order to understand the essence of the book. The methodologies adopted are the historical-critical analysis and grammatical-historical analysis approaches. The findings show t</em><em>hat the Qoheleth </em><em>does use hevel with a variety of nuances. However, the basic meaning of the word is “vapor”, “breath” but sometimes the context points to “temporary” sometimes to “ungraspable”. Thus, the Qoheleth may not have been pessimistic about life but only disturbed about life’s essence in the light of its ephemeral or transient nature. The study ended by recommending that people should not be passive in life. Life can be meaningful and enjoyable when people obey God’s laws and fear Him. </em></p>2022-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 0 aesthetics and appearance: Ẹpa masks of Iyah Gbẹdẹ2022-11-18T16:54:15+00:00Stephen Ayodele<p><em>Ẹpa masks are produced in order to enable the spirit of Ẹpa deity (Elela </em>in Iyah Gbede<em>) to be felt and appreciated by the society and to appear as a visible form or dramatic representation of mythical actions. However, there are substantial differences between some of the most spectacular and complex Ẹpa masks ever carved as far back as early to mid-20th century by some notable Yorùbá woodcarvers in southwestern Nigeria with those found nowadays in Iyah Gbede and some other Ẹpa </em>practicing communities. <em>Craftsmanship and form were considerations in the aesthetic judgment of the masks and headdresses among the masqueraders and the devotees of Ẹpa deity, but not necessarily the primary ethos. This paper therefore focused predominantly on visual element qualities and morphological presence in all Ẹpa masks and headdresses found in Iyah Gbede. The paper </em>explore<em>d brief history and proceedings </em>of Ẹpa <em>masquerade tradition in Iyah Gbede as well as examining </em>the <em>visual content (thematic analysis) of the masks and headdresses to </em>reveal a nexus between various <em>creative traits and styles displayed by carvers </em>in <em>Iyah Gbede. Fourteen </em>(1<em>4) major mask types found in </em>the <em>Iyah Gbede were identified from both conventional and unconventional (plastic) point of view. This paper concluded and affirmed that some new Ẹpa headdress were </em>reproduced in Iyah Gbede wh<em>en some of the ancient headdress was stolen; while some other headdresses were refurbished with paint. </em></p>2022-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 0 based violence juxtaposing Christianity with Islam: the way forward2022-11-18T16:59:21+00:00Stanley C. Mgbemenafrches@yahoo.comMaduabuchi Orakwefrches@yahoo.comFelix-Joe Chibunkem<p><em>Irrational killings and prejudice for and against one religion and another has been ravaging Nigeria. The risks associated with the re-occurring violence and terrorism in Nigeria remains of concern. When such incidents are juxtaposed with the state of affairs in Nigeria and the rise of religiosity in Nigeria, it becomes glaring that faith based violence is a time bomb which explodes at any little opportunity. It is however established that those that execute these violence actually do grave harm to the reputation. The dangers are undesirable and despicable. But this requires an urgent call to action towards eradicating faith based violence as a result of psychological complex. To live beyond this menace, there is need to intensify vocal denouncement of terrorism by non-Islamic and Islamic leaders, a guarantee of good governance, proper and modest hermeneutics of the scripture, intra and inter-faith dialogue and tolerance as way forward to this plague called faith based violence. </em></p>2022-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 0, self-determination, peace and intercultural co-existence in Nigeria: an Igwebuike perspective2022-11-18T17:03:07+00:00Ikechukwu Anthony<p><em>This paper has studied the issue of agitations for self-determination in Nigeria from an African philosophical point of view. It studied these agitations in the light of the amalgamation treaty of 1914, the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and most importantly, extant international laws. The beauty of this piece is that it focused on major issues which constitute the basis for the agitations for self-determination in Nigeria namely religious marginalization, ethnic marginalization, economic marginalization and political marginalization. The burden of this piece is the issue of the problem of co-existence in Nigeria. This paper articulated its position based on Igwebuike philosophy as a theoretical framework, which emphasizes dialogue, justice and inclusive leadership as indispensable pathways to integration and national unity. For the purpose of this study, the historical and analytical methods of inquiry were patronized given that historical events were studied and the outcome of such events analysed. It submits that, rather than using force to quell the agitation for self-determination, the path of justice, dialogue and inclusive leadership should be explored as most cases of cessation are responses to the absence of these state ideals. </em></p>2022-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 0 differences and intermarriage in Ruth: lessons for Nigerian Christians2022-11-18T17:06:37+00:00Ikenna L.<p><em>This paper studies the book of Ruth in the Bible with special interest in the intermarriage or mixed marriage between Ruth and Boaz. The work considers the positive impact of this marriage for the Judeo-Christian world especially as manifested in the personalities of King David and Jesus Christ who of course came from the lineage of Boaz and Ruth. The menace of discriminations among contemporary Nigerian Christians in choosing marriage partners can be stopped through the proper understanding and internalization of the message of the book of Ruth on marriage. This understanding is necessary for the effective and sincere practising of Christianity in Nigeria bearing in mind that it is the same God that created mankind in his own image. While avoiding discrimination in choosing marriage partners, people should choose those whom they can agree with in religion. </em></p>2022-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 0 examination of 1 Timothy 6:6-10 in relation to the Yahoo Yahoo Business (internet fraud) in the contemporary Nigerian society2022-11-18T17:10:54+00:00Elekwachi Jeremiah Chukwuemelie<p><em>It is no news that countries all over the world are faced with one challenge or the other. Outstanding among all is the challenge of insecurity of lives and properties. The rate of poverty, unemployment and poor education among others have forced many Nigerians into one crime or the other. Currently, there is a rising scourge of internet fraudsters known as Yahoo Yahoo, which have swindled many unsuspecting victims their hard-earned resources. Interestingly, the teaming youth populations are the major players when it comes to this societal menace. Despite various efforts being put in place by the government to forestall the activities of these fraudsters, the propagators have sought other avenues to continue to be relevant in their nefarious acts. This paper employs historical-critical method of enquiry to examine 1 Timothy 6: 6 - 10 in relation to the Yahoo Yahoo business (internet fraud) in the contemporary society. This method investigates the context of the text and a critical reading and interpretation of the biblical text. This paper investigates the causes of internet frauds and exegetically interprets 1 Timothy 6:6-10 as an antidote to the crime. This paper recommends godliness and contentment as a cure for the untamed quest for materialism among Nigerian youths.</em></p>2022-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 0 expository study of ( בַּטוּחָה ) security in psalm 127: a panacea to the menace of insecurity in Nigeria2022-11-18T17:13:30+00:00Bello Oluwaniyi<p><em>The paper examined an expository study of security in psalm 127: A panacea for the menace of insecurity in Nigeria. The paper majorly </em><em>considered the position of God’s security in psalm 127:1</em><em>-2 as a way out of the problem of insecurity in Nigeria. Although, many scholarly works have been documented on the topic that suggested, political, socio- economic solutions and revolutionary as a Panacea to the menace of insecurity in Nigeria. With the use of expository analysis of data collections, the findings revealed that the problem of insecurity has gotten to the climax point in Nigeria in which many innocent citizens have been killed, homeless, taken as hostage, kidnapped for ransom, trafficking and enslaved under the threat of the terrorism (Fulani herdsmen and Boko Haram). Despite the effort of our leaders and that of the security agencies in Nigeria, yet the problem of insecurity is gaining upper hand everyday without restriction. Thus, since all efforts to curb insecurity in Nigeria seem a vain, this paper therefore concluded and suggested that there should be empowerment for the security agencies in Nigeria. Every citizen should involve themselves in the act of security and shun any act of terrorism.</em></p>2022-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 0 philosophical operative conditions of healing shrines in Igbo-African worldhood2022-11-18T17:16:44+00:00Ikechukwu Anthony<p><em>This paper has studied the philosophical operative conditions of healing shrines in Igbo-African societies. The concept of philosophical operative condition is introduced into the study of Igbo-African healing shrines with the purpose of pointing out the philosophical principles behind the activities in these shrines. This philosophical dimension of African healing shrines is possible because of the nature of the relationship between religion and philosophy. This work, therefore, studied healing and healers in traditional African societies and the place and nature of healing shrines in Igbo societies. Though so much has been written about healing shrines and sacred places in traditional African societies, there is a seeming insufficiency of documents or literature on the Igbo-African healing shrines and the roles they played in restoring well-being to the people. More so, there is hardly a literature that focuses on the philosophical spirit behind the activities in Igbo-African healing shrines. This is the gap in literature that this present work fills. For the purpose of this study, this piece adopted the phenomenological, hermeneutic and historical approaches. This study is a qualitative research that has used both primary and secondary sources of data. It discovered that there is an inescapable element of philosophy in every dimension of African religion. </em></p>2022-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 0 impact of globalizationon on youth development and early childhood education in Nigeria2022-11-18T17:24:03+00:00Ikenna Ukpabi Unyabismarckaik@gmail.comUgochi OnyaUgochionya@gmail.comAbiola<p><em>Globalization is a technology driven process that has brought about the shrinkage of the world into a global village, thereby expanding connectivity of all forms of interactions. The concept is being promoted by the Western industrial nations and scholars as capable of increasing global wealth, peace, reduction of poverty and inequalities within and among nations. However, its implementations have had series of consequences – some good, some bad and some unintended. The developing regions of the world are yet to maximally benefit from the promises of globalization. Its negative impact outweighs the positive sides. The paper explores different perspectives about globalization and its implications for youth development and early childhood education in Nigeria. The aim of the study is to examine the impact of globalization on youth development and childhood education in Nigeria. Basically, this work is primarily qualitative, utilizing mostly secondary sources of data such as books, journal publications, among others; all considered relevant in understanding the concept of globalization and its impact on youth and early childhood education in Nigeria. The findings reveal that the youths and children are being affected negatively by globalization and thus, recommends, that the education policy makers and curriculum planners should construct an adequate and appropriate global curriculum to enable learners have a solid education foundation that will equip them with what it takes to acquire a global based knowledge. Again, the government should embark on aggressive job creation and improvement of positive access to information to widen their skills.</em></p>2022-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 0 the relationship between religious experience and the Nigerian society2022-11-18T17:37:21+00:00Chidiebere<p><em>Religious experience is a claim that direct experience of the supernatural or God is possible; it is the belief that a certain communication can take place between man and God. This particular belief has served as one of the proofs for the reality and existence of God. Outcomes of religious experience may be in the form of prophesy, miracles, money rituals, protection rituals, speaking in tongues, falling under the anointing and other charismatic displays. This (religious experience) has raised a number of epistemic issues in philosophy as a result of the nature of the ‘beings’ (man and God) involved. Man by nature is finite and material while God is infinite and immaterial, therefore whatever experience that occurs between them must raise some questions. Most of these questions border on the veridicality of religious experience, that is, how true is religious experience? In spite of these questions on religious experience, the world today is agog with so many claims of religious experience. Nigeria, for example, is replete with myriad of claims of religious experiences which are prevalent in both our traditional and foreign religions. This paper tries to interrogate the impact of these religious experiences in Nigeria by subjecting such impact to moral justifiability. After exploring the arguments on religious experience and its impact on the Nigerian society, the paper submits that a line should be drawn between what may be genuine religious experience and its abusive version with sole purpose of defrauding the gullible citizens which is morally condemnable. </em></p>2022-11-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 0