The study examines Igbo Traditional Religion and Land Preservation in Igboland. The study disclosed that land is very important at the international and national levels especially in the sub-Saharan West Africa with emphasis on Igbo. It also revealed that a lot of cares is taken to preserve this valued and highly cherished gift from God. The Igbo who are highly religious have devoid many of the means to protect the land mass or earth. Supremely, they have used religious elements in doing this such as worship of earth-goddess, taboos, sacrilization of land, religious festivals and rituals. Re-visit of the traditional methods of land preservation, modification of these methods of land preservation so as to accommodate people of other religious affiliation, Christians should be allowed to practice the Christian methods of land preservation without hurting the feeling of others and Christian teachings against human greediness and land speculations should be intensified in order to check the excesses of many greedy individuals and communities from exploiting land users and true owners of the land are highly recommended.