The menace of cultism is one whose roots and dimensions are much deeper than the observed external occurrences such as initiation ceremonies and clashes. The root may be traceable to values, attitudes, habits and practices emanating from the hangover of discontentment with colonial aberration in preindependent Nigeria and the precipitated riots and murders occasioned by the Nigerian civil war. Today, it dangles like the Sword of Damocles over our tertiary institutions and by extension the education sphere. Some members of these groups who are said to have been involved on account of peer group influence and social, psychological and other reasons possibly began from primary and secondary schools, that by the time they get to the tertiary institutions, jungle don mature, as is popularly said in the Nigerian parlance. Consequent upon this, Nigeria appears to be at the cross roads of socio-economic development and moral flux. It is worthy to note that succeeding governments, groups and individuals have expressed and demonstrated concern towards eradicating this ugly incidence. This is the issue which this paper addresses, covering its origin, typology and terminology, causes and effects, etc. It is contented that moral education is a veritable tool and occupies a pre-eminent position in curbing cultism in tertiary institutions in Nigeria, nothing that its ultimate aim is the bringing forth of a morally sound and mature person and personality cum society.