The doctrine of resurrection is the heart of Christianity. It is what makes Christianity different from other religions. In the days of Jesus, there was a difference of opinion among the Jews concerning resurrection. The doctrine of resurrection, thus, has been opposed in history. Some scholars are doubtful of the opinion that the very body which was deposited in the grave would be raised up. While some early Christian fathers stressed the identity of the present body and the resurrection body. The dispute concerning the concept of resurrection lies in African Traditional Religion. Most scholars are of the opinion that African Traditional Religion is silent on this. Through a comparative study, the paper examined the concept of resurrection in Christianity and African Traditional Religion. Oral interview is a tool employed in this study to ascertain the perception of adherents of African Traditional Religion on resurrection of the body. This paper discovered that the idea of bodily resurrection is not absent in both religions. In African Traditional Religion, resurrection is conceived in reincarnation and apparition. The concept of resurrection is widely accepted in Christianity but not explicitly stated in African Traditional Religion.