Love is the foundation of creation and the most important attribute which God shares with human beings, who are the most important objects of His creative activities. Theologically, we see God and know Him through His love for all creatures and particularly through His unsurpassed love for man. So we examine and explain love vertically in God-man relationships as expressed in Christianity, Islam, and the oriental religions Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism without leaving out African traditional religion and culture. We also examine and try to seek explanations for the inadequacy of love in horizontal processes and the manifestation of love in human interaction. The failure of love in secularity leads us to advocate strengthening the practice of love in religion and spirituality as a means of developing and enhancing love as fundamentally commanded by God and reinforced by Jews for Christians. This has similarities in other religions for family, community, and global cohesion, wholesomeness, security, stability, and progress. We are taking love in theology into secularity to provide overall human wellbeing in human relationships and interactions.