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The roles of leadership and good governance in the security of Anambra state

Clement Emeka Ikezue
Peter Chukwuma Ezeah


Leadership as a process involves the interaction between the leader and the followers such that the leader influences the actions of the followers towards the achievement of certain objectives. It is in this light that leadership will be appreciated as a function of followership. There is always a synergy between purposeful leadership and good governance. Security of lives and property is often times a product of good governance. This paper examined the roles of leadership and good governance in the provision of security in Anambra state. The cross sectional survey design was adopted using the multi stage sampling technique for selection of study participants. 900 participants were drawn from the three senatorial zones of the state using the multistage sampling procedure and collated data were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages. However, relationships between variables were determined by the application of inferential statistics (chi square and regression analysis). The study found significant relationship between leadership roles and security of lives and property in Anambra state. Furthermore, good governance as a predictor of security was also found to be significant at p=.033. The study therefore recommended among others that leaders should be accountable, transparent, selfless and patriotic in the discharge of their duties.

Key Words: Leadership, Governance, Security, Corruption and Anambra state 

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2006-5442