The study investigated the roles of Age and Religious affiliation on Choice of Spouse among students. The study made use of 278 participants (122 males and 156 females). The participants were of the mean age of 22.0, standard deviation of 2.95and age range of 16-37. The study adopted a 2(young and old)x2(high and low) factorial design with 2 Way ANOVA as the corresponding statistics used for data analysis. Findings from the first hypothesis indicated no significant difference between age on choice of spouse at F(1,274) =1.915, P>.05 level of significance. Findings from the second hypothesis indicated a significant difference between students with high religious affiliation and students low on religious affiliation on their choice of spouse at F(1,274)=7.148, P<.05 level of significance. It implies that students who have high religious affiliation were influenced more on their choice of spouse than those who are low on religious affiliation. The third hypothesis indicated no significant interaction between age and religious affiliation on choice of spouse. Hence, findings were discussed and recommendations were made.