Health problems posed a great danger to management of grass-cutter farms. This has led to mortality of grass-cutters under captive rearing in David Mark grass-cutter farm at Akpa-Otobi. The period of study was between 2003 and 2006. Further study and evaluation are still going on between 2007 and 2010. Twenty specimens of dead and dying grass-cutters were used for the study. Total post- mortem examination was performed on the carcasses. Postmortem finding was limited to gross pathological lesion and faecal sample analysis using direct smear method under the microscope (x40 objectives x 10 ocular), Onyeanusi et al, (2001). It was discovered that mortality occurred in both sexes of different age groups of the grass-cutters in captivity. Such other factors identified included stress, trauma, dystocia, respiratory distress (pneumonia), intestinal coccidiosis, helminthiasis, toxemia, abscess and injury resulting from fighting and aggression. It is noted that adequate husbandry, proper nutrition and total cleanliness would assist in reducing cases of stock mortality.