This study examines iron level in groundwater from boreholes and their spatial distribution across rural communities of Benue State. Water samples were collected from 26 boreholes and analyesd for iron concentrations as it affect the quality of drinking water as prescribed by WHO standards. The analyses were done according to standard method of water examination. The results of analyses show 35% of the boreholes have high iron concentrations above WHO guide limit for drinking water. The concentration level was also found to vary spatially across the study area. The iron concentrations in the boreholes ranged between 0.03-2.38mg/l with a mean and coefficient of variation of 0.82mg/l, CV81.71% respectively. The presence of iron in rural groundwater in study area may be traced to the local environment of the boreholes.These include the geology, dissolution of iron minerals from rock and soil, precipitation/run off and infiltration activities, use of galvanized materials in handpump construction and agricultural landuse activities. Although iron concentrations at objectionable level were noted in some of the boreholes villagers were found using them for drinking in the absence of any other alternative.Some form of treatment like filtering and or Reverse Osmosis if can be afforded may be required to reduce the risk to health over time. The study has demonstrated the need for groundwater quality monitoring and management in the rural areas to ensure the safety of water being provided.