Experimental gill net and artisanal fishery of Gbedikere Lake, Bassa, Kogi State, Nigeria were assessed between October 2006 and September 2008. Fish species diversity was found to be low; twelve species representing ten families were identified namely, Protopteridae, Mormyridae, Clariidae, Mochokidae, Cichlidae, Malapteruridae, Osteoglossidae, Gymnarcidae and Citharinidae. Cichlids were numerically most dominant of the catches (Oreochromis niloticus, (17.90%) and Tilapia zilli (13.01%). In terms of biomass the trend was found to be the same. Other species of numerical importance were Heterotis niloticus (15.56%), Clarias gariepinus (13.16%), Gymnarchus niloticus (8.78%), Heterobranchus bidorsalis (7.14%), Synodontis nigrita (6.69%), Mormyrus rume(5.68%), Citharinus citharus(3.91%), Labeo senegalensis(2.93%) and Protopterus annectens (2.74%). Oreochromis niloticus dominated the catches in all the months, contributing over 17.90% to catches by number and between 13.40% by weight throughout the duration of the sampling. The mean annual yield obtained through catch assessment surveys during the study was 240.2 tons. A log transformed length-weight regression analysis for four of the economically most important species revealed the following linear relationships. Log W = -1.2366 + 2.8028 Log L (r = 0.9798) for Heterotis niloticus; Log W = -1.7525 +3.047 Log L (r =0.9361) for Oreochromis niloticus; Log W = -2.3449 + 3.496 Log L (r = 0.9548), for Tilapia zilli and Log W =-1.0306 + 2.321 Log L (r =0.9351) for Clarias gariepinus.