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Responses of different poultry manure levels on the growth and yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus linn.) in Ibadan, Nigeria

O.S. Oke
K.A. Jatto
T. Oyaniyi
O.T. Adewumi
C.T. Adara
J.T. Marizu
A.A. Ogunbela
G.J. Adebayo


The experiment was conducted at the research Farm, Federal College of Forestry Technology, Ibadan, Nigeria, to determine the Effect of Organic Manure (Poultry Manure) levels on the Growth and Yield of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus Linn.) in Ibadan, Nigeria. Cucumis sativus seed purchased from Institute of Agricultural Research and Training (IAR&T) Ibadan, were planted on 5m by 3m pieces of land comprising of (15) beds which were divided into five columns and three rows consisting of two treatments and five replicates, treatment of 10g and 15g of poultry manure was applied per replicate. The experiment was laid out in a randomized completely block design (RCBD) comprising two treatments (including control) and each replicated five times making a total of fifteen. Both treatments showed significant variations in growth and yield parameters. The results showed that cucumber plant treated with poultry manure at 15g had highest numbers of leaves (62.28), vine length (44.04 cm), vine diameter (4.86 cm), numbers of branches (4.5 cm), which eventually resulted into bountiful fruit production with fruit length (18.1 cm/ha), fruit diameter (4.5 cm/ha), number of fruits (4.8 ), average fruit weight (169.5 g/ha) and yield (31.9 t/ ha) on the average, The increase in vine diameters and leaves production was significant at (p<0.1 and p<0.05) respective. The interactions of all other parameters were found non-significant except on average fruit weight.  The application of poultry manures at 15 t/ha is thereby recommended for commercially production of cucumber plants in lbadan for rapid growth and yield.

Keywords: Manure, levels, growth, yield, cucumber.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2141-1778