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Habitat composition and population density of chimpanzee (Pan Troglodytes Vellerosus) in filinga range, Gashaka- Gumti National Park, Nigeria

B.T. Tyowua
P.O. Egwumah
D.E. Samuel


Habitat composition and population density of Chimpanzee (Pan Troglodytes vellerosus) in Filinga Range, Gashaka- Gumti National Park, Nigeria was survey to determine tree species composition and population density. The work was carried out in the wet (June – August) and dry (December -  February) seasons, 2018/2019.A systematic sampling technique was adopted for plot establishment. Ten transects measuring 2km each at 1km apart were laid and on each transect 50m x 50m plots were laid at regular interval of 500m apart with a total of forty sample plots in all. Trees with DBH ≥ 10CM were identified and enumerated. For Chimpanzee population density, direct observation and counting were made. The transect was  worked at a speed of 1 – 1.5km/hr aided with binoculars. For Each observation the following data were recorded; sex, adult, number of individual, perpendicular and sighting distance. The results obtained showed that forty-two woody species in nineteen families were identified and  enumerated with a total of six hundred and sixty nine tree species in all. The Shannon Weiner index for species diversity is 3.19. Margalef index for  species richness is 6.30 and Pielou evenness is 0.85. The composition of the woody species appeared to be average and members of the trees family’s sampled formed important components of the Chimpanzees lower stratum habitat. Chimpanzees were encountered in both wet and dry seasons with mean of 0.118 ± 0.21 and 0.122± 0.027 respectively. The findings of this study are an important step in the characterization and  understanding of the habitat and number of Chimpanzees that occupy the Park. The park may still be able to sustain the animal as long as this portion is maintained on sustainable bases.

Keywords: Habitat, population, Chimpanzee, Gashaka-Gumti, Nigeria

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2141-1778