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Growth response of Khaya senegalensis (Desr) A. Juss. seedlings to selected organic manures

O.O. Awotoye


The experiment on the growth response of Khaya senegalensis seedlings to selected organic manures was carried out in the Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan. The experiment was arranged in completely randomized design (CRD) with six treatments and seven replicates. Germination was observed for eight days. Assessment of growth parameters commenced two weeks after transplanting and was done weekly for 16 weeks. Total plant height, stem diameter and leaf production were measured. Data were analyzed using ANOVA at 5% probability level. Results showed that T4 (10g of cow dung + 2000g of top soil) had the highest performance in terms of plant height (17.2cm) while T6 (2000g of top soil) had the least height performance (14.9cm). Sources of manures had no significant influence (p<0.05) on the growth of Khaya senegalensis seedlings. The stem diameter growth of the seedlings was not significantly (p<0.05) influenced by the manures. T5 (2.5g of Cow dung + 2.5g of Gliricidia sepium + 2000g of top soil) had the best performance with mean value 0.31mm. T6 (control) had the least performance with 0.26mm. The highest mean leaf count was observed on the seedlings raised on 5g of Gliricidia sepium + 2000g of top soil with 9.5 while seedlings raised on 10 g of Gliricidia sepium + 2000g top soil had the least with 7.9. Manures had no significant effect (p>0.05) on the leaf production of the seedlings. Therefore, more research should be focused on the use of other sources of manures in raising Khaya senegalensis seedlings.

Keywords: Growth, Manure, Khaya senegalensis, Seedlings, Gliricidia sepium

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print ISSN: 2141-1778