Peer Review

All manuscripts are evaluated and preselected by the editorial board. Manuscripts that meet pre-selection criteria such as originality of data, statistical analysis, and relevance to the Journal are reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board and qualified outside reviewers. The journal strives to return the reviewers comments to the authors within 4 weeks. It is the goal of the Journal to publish accepted manuscripts within 16 weeks after submission. Three scientists are usually expected to peer-review submitted manuscript; at least two of such reviews are to be positive before the manuscript is accepted for publication.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Publication Scheduling

From 2016, this journal will publish four (4) issues per year.


Hard Copy Subscription Fees and Advertisement Rates

Subscription rates

Institutions                                      $70

Individuals (personal)                       $20

Students                                         $10

Advertisement rates

Full page                                        $335

Half page                                        $200

Quarter page                                   $135

Enquiries on procedure for orders for subscription and advertisements are to be made from the Business Editor via the e-mail: or

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2141-1778
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