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Strategies for unlocking EMR interoperability: a narrative review

Elaine Pamela Kansiime
Collins Otieno Odoyo
Jasper Malcom Ondulo


Electronic Medical Records (EMR) is intended to solve many issues in patient care pathway besides the administrative roles which equally makes the hospital paperless, but they still face major interoperability issues. When there is no systematic connection between different healthcare providers, medical information pertaining to patients becomes fragmented, incomplete, and outdated. This study was undertaken to investigate the strategies used to overcome interoperability challenges by EMR implementors. A narrative review was conducted, and various keywords were used to search in EBSCO, Google Scholar, and pertinent healthcare informatics articles for papers published between 2012 and 2024. Drawing from a range of studies, the findings indicate that Machine learning and artificial intelligence, Standardization of Data Exchange Protocols, Blockchain technology, EHR-Agnostic Platforms, Training and Organizational Support, Government and Policy Interventions, social factors are the strategies that successful EMR implementers have employed to achieve EMR interoperability.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3007-5343