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Evaluating the effectiveness of youth programs offered by the youth ministry department in character formation in Methodist Church in Kenya, Kaaga Synod
This study evaluated the effectiveness of the youth programs offered by the youth ministry department in character formation in the Methodist Church in Kenya, Kaaga Synod. Bandura’s social learning theory led this study from a sociological point of view. During the study, descriptive formats were used to collect, analyse, compare and interpret the data. The study targeted five circuits in Kaaga Synod, Meru County. The study used random samples to select churches. A sample of youth church members was selected using the proportionate sampling technique. Targeted samples were used for selecting church ministers, youth ministers and church chairpersons as key informants because of their accurate knowledge of church youth issues. The researcher used questionnaires, interview schedules, and focus group discussions to gather the necessary information. Discussions, as well as tables, were used to collect and analyse the data. The findings of this study contributed to the knowledge of religion and morality. The outcome of this study is also beneficial to participants who are policymakers and designers, parents and educators in their efforts to promote youth morals.