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Assessment of financial management systems for sustainability of the SDA Church in South-East Kenya Field, Kenya


The study aimed to examine the sustainability of the SDA Church, South East Kenya Field's finance management systems. Critical gaps in managing the church's finances have resulted in its unsustainability. Proper financial management systems are necessary to ensure the appropriate use of church resources for long-term sustainability. The church is facing an economic crisis due to poor financial management, which has resulted in its inability to sustain itself. The church cannot financially sustain itself and, therefore, cannot meaningfully impact the lives of members of society. The analysis drew upon Stewardship theory, which offered valuable guidance on financial management practices to ensure the long-term viability of the church. The study used a descriptive research design, and data were obtained using interview schedules and questionnaires from a sample size of 355 participants. The study found that despite having all the financial systems and structures in place, the South East Kenya Field SDA Church is still not self-sustaining. The systems need to be fixed since those to ensure that they are working are not adequately trained and not skilled. It recommended that the SDA Church invest in its personnel in terms of empowerment in financial management for the church's good.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2957-6482