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Effect of Urbanization on Provision of Public Amenities in Enugu Metropolis, Nigeria

Nneka M. Okey Amadife
Prof Bar. Walter O. Ezeodili


This study investigates the effect of urbanization on the
provision of public amenities in Enugu metropolis. The
main objectives of the study is to determine the effects of
population growth on provision of public amenities; to
ascertain the effect of inadequate provision of public
amenities and to suggest measures that could lead to robust
provision of public amenities in Enugu metropolis. In order
to achieve these objectives, three research questions were
framed while three hypotheses were formulated. The study
made use of survey research which relied on questionnaire
as the instrument for data collection. The population of the
study was 968,300 while Taro Yamane statistical formula
was used in determining the sample size of 400 respondents
in Enugu metropolis. The data generated were computed into
tables and subjected to simple percentage computation and
chi-square analysis. The result of the study shows that
population growth has significant negative effect on public
amenities. Also, the study found that inadequate provision
of public amenities has significant negative effect on the
inhabitants. Finally, the study revealed that proper and
effective land use planning has significant positive effect on
provision of more public amenities in Enugu metropolis.
The study concluded that the determinants of urbanization
have significant effect on provision of public amenities in
Enugu metropolis. The study therefore recommends
development and implementation of comprehensive
population management strategies to slow down population
growth, such as promoting family planning and education,
as well as providing more and better the quality public
amenities and finally, the need to maximize the positive
effect of effect land use planning on the provision of public

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2814-1091