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Impact of Information Technology Towards Organizational Performance of Slected Commercial Banks in South-South Nigeria

Idele Emezanena Fredrick
Okoh Lucky Okuwa


This research study was carried out to investigate the
impact of information technology towards
organizational performance of selected Commercial
Banks in South-South Nigeria. A set of structured
questionnaire was used as the instrument of data
collection and administered on one hundred (100)
employees of the commercial Banks under study in
south-south Nigeria, randomly selected using Taro
Yemane formula. Applying this formula, the sample
size from a population of 134 is 100 respondents at
95% confidence level. Data analysis was made using
simple percentage tables and the hypotheses
formulated were tested using the pearson product
moment correlation co-efficient and the t-test at 0.05
level of significance. The findings from the study
revealed among others that information technology
operation, information technology knowledge and
information technology competency have effect on
organizational performance of commercial banks in
south-south Nigeria. The study concludes the
information technology has a significant impact on
organizational performance. Based on the findings
and conclusion, it was recommended that top
managers should continuously and systematically in
the purchase and maintenance of information
technology, adoption of the idea of using up-to-date
information technology devices and tools so as to
avoid obsolescence, adequate and regular training
and re-training of personnel on the use of information
technology tools.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2814-1091