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The Relevance of Social and Behaviour Change Communication in Sanitation and Solid Waste Management in Techiman South, Ghana

Nashiru Aladago
Africanus L. Diedong
Wilberforce S. Dzisah


This study investigates Social and Behaviour Change
Communication as a relevant enabler in managing
sanitation and solid waste in the Techiman South
District. Sanitation and solid waste management pose
considerable challenges, impacting various aspects of
life. While there is extensive research and
interventions to help address this menace, little
success is chalked as people in urban and peri-urban
areas continue to engage in acts that complicate the
matter. The study employed a mixed-method
approach. Data were collected through survey
questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, and
observation. Purposive sampling and simple random
sampling techniques were used to select participants.
The findings showed that community mobilisation
efforts in waste management are inadequate,
primarily due to weak community participation in such
efforts. Weak communication programmes within
sanitation and waste management policies further
exacerbate this issue, underscoring the need for
enhanced community participation. The study
concludes that there is a gap in communication and
awareness efforts in the study area. It is recommended
that duty-bearers in the district prioritise community
mobilisation and participation efforts, such as regular
clean-up exercises, and involve community leaders in
planning and dissemination of information on
sanitation and solid waste management in the
Techiman South District.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2814-1091