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Periscoping Supportive Supervision and Employee Service Delivery in Public Organisations in Nigeria: The Nexus

Usulor Solomon Ejike
Agbii Christian O.
Emma E.O. Chukwuemeka


Employees’ service delivery isfundamental for the achievement of organizational goals, and organizations are curious to identify the factors that positively affect employees’ ability to work. Supportive supervision is a process that uses dialogue and constructive feedback to help staff, and the entire organizations to improve their performance in pursuit of the organization’s goal, for growth and developmentIt can also be described as a relationship between senior and junior member of a profession that is evaluative, extends over time, serves to enhance the skills of the junior person, and monitors the quality of the services offered by the junior person and acts as gate keeping to the profession. By employing supportive supervision, administrators can not only create a healthy work environment, but also improve and sustain the performance and satisfaction of the employees in their organization. Content analysis technique was adopt4ed as a mode of analysis. The study made some fundamental revelations and recommendations were derived from the findings of the study.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2814-1091