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Examining the influence of guardian level of education and enrolment of children in primary school in Samburu County, Kenya
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of guardian level of education and enrolment of children in primary school in Samburu County, Kenya. To facilitate the data collection, Samburu District was stratified into three clusters – Highland-Rural, Lowland-Rural and Urban. Multi-stage and random sampling were used to select from each cluster, one division, one location, one sub-location and then 200 household heads from all the villages in the sub-location. That is moving from the division down to the villages using random sampling. Data were collected and analysed using Excel and SPSS computer packages and further presented using descriptive and inferential statistics. The specific tools used were frequencies and crosstabulations. The study found out that guardian education plays a very important role in enhancing access to basic formal education. Indeed, the relationship between guardian education and access to basic formal education was very significant at the study's 95 per cent confidence level. In this regard, the children who did not get a chance to enrol in the formal school system can be reached through the Out of School Programme. Similarly, Adult literacy classes can boost the literacy levels of the household heads.