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Linking the level of awareness on life skills education with sexual behaviour among secondary school students in Kenya
The study sought to explore the level of awareness of LSE in secondary schools and its influence on sexual behaviour. Using used Ex post facto research design, data were collected using questionnaires and an interview schedule. The target population was 20,227; the accessible population was 3,568 Form 3 students in the seven sub-counties. Multi-stage, probability proportionate to size, purposive, stratified and simple random sampling was used to select 378 students, 21 teachers, 21 school principals and 7 education officials’. The questionnaires were validated through piloting. Reliability was tested using the Spearman-Brown Prophecy formula after a pilot study. Data were analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Study findings indicate a strong relationship between the level of awareness of LSE and students’ sexual behaviour. Those who had high levels of awareness abstained from sexual activities. The majority had a moderate level of awareness. The findings indicate that LSE is partially being implemented in schools. There is a need to avail LSE in schools and strengthen policy action on the part of the government to ensure its implementation. It will assist stakeholders in evaluating and reinforcing school programmes to meet its objectives.