The Journal of Pharmacy and Bioresources (JPB) is an Open Access (2020 onwards) journal published by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Jos, Jos. It covers scientific research work in all areas of Pharmaceutical and life sciences, including (but not restricted to): medicinal plant research; herbal medicines and cosmetics; development of drugs and pharmaceuticals; quality assurance of drugs; safety and efficacy of drugs; pharmacy practice; veterinary pharmacy; bioresources development and conservation. JPB publishes one volume per annum, comprising three issues (January, May and September). The Journal is available on the internet through the African Journal Online (AJOL) website. It is an Open Access (OA) publication under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License [CC BY-NC] https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ Please visit the journal at http://ajol.info/index.php/jpb  

To this end, the publishers of JPB will be glad to receive articles for publication in the journal. Such articles must report original research work, which has not been published elsewhere and is not concurrently submitted elsewhere for publication. Review articles are also accepted, although limited number will be published per issue. All manuscripts will be subjected to peer review process and those found to be of high quality would be published.

Instructions To Contributors

Manuscripts (in English) are to be submitted as e-mail attachment) to:

jpb@unijos.edu.ng   OR   pharm_biores@yahoo.com


For the attention of

            The Editor-in-Chief

            Journal of Pharmacy and Bioresources

            Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

            University of Jos, Jos. Nigeria.

Tel.: +234-8037006372 (Editor-in-Chief); +234-8037013057 (Managing Editor); +234-8033930674 (Press Editor I); +234-7031284923 (Press Editor II); +234-8037000340 (Editorial Secretary I); +234-8063078947 (Editorial Secretary II)

Manuscript preparation & submission

  1. Manuscripts must be prepared in English and in MS Word format. Along with the manuscript, authors are expected to submit a covering letter and a duly completed form containing authors’ Declaration & Copyright Transfer. The covering letter is expected to indicate that the manuscript contains original research work, not previously published and not being currently considered for publication in another journal. Covering letter should also state potential conflicts of interest. If there is none, it should be so stated. The Declaration & Copyright form must be completed, signed by all authors; then the scanned copy or PDF submitted.
  2. Submitted manuscripts are subjected to peer-review to determine their suitability. If an article is considered suitable for publication, author(s) would be expected to pay the open access publication charge of USD 100.00 (NGN 36,000.00). Thereafter the manuscript is sent to reviewers for a more detailed evaluation. Issues arising from the reviewers’ assessment, especially corrections indicated, must be effected by authors before the manuscript is accepted for publication.
  3. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced on A4 size paper and should be arranged as follows:

(a) For original research/ experimental work – Title page; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Experimental; Results; Discussion; Acknowledgement (if any); References; Tables; and Illustrations. (Note that Tables, Figures and other illustration should not be embedded in the Results/ Discussion sections)

(b) For review articles, the format is more flexible but should include the following: Title page; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Specific sections determined by the author; Future perspectives and Conclusion; Acknowledgement (if any); References.

A review article should be comprehensive and contain up-to-date information, while covering relevant literature. It is expected that reviews should be written by scientists who have in-depth knowledge of the topic, evidenced by their output in the research area.

  1. Details of different sections of the manuscript.

Title page – should contain the (concise) title of the article; each author’s name in this order: first name in full, middle name (or middle name initial) if any, and surname (in upper case letters); each author’s affiliation and postal address. A footnote should indicate the author to whom correspondence would be addressed. E-mail address and telephone number of the corresponding author should be given. If an author has moved since the work described in the article was carried out, or was visiting at the time, indicate his/her 'Present address' with Superscript Arabic numeral after the author’s name. The address at which the author actually did the work remains his/her main affiliation.

Abstract – should not exceed 200 words, clearly stating (in one paragraph and without sections) the purpose, method, results and conclusion of the work.

Keywords – Following the Abstract, 3 to 5 keywords should be given

Introduction – should contain a brief background to the work, review of relevant literature, provide a clear statement of the problem and define the scope of the work to be carried out

Experimental Methods – should be adequate enough to allow experiments to be reproduced by someone else. Only new procedures or modifications of existing procedures should be described in detail; otherwise previously published procedures only need be cited.

Results – should be presented with clarity and precision. Results should be explained without interpreting the data. Illustrations (Tables, Figures, etc.) should not be embedded in this section.

Discussion – should interpret the data and findings given in the results section. Comparison should also be made to data/ findings from related, published studies. State the conclusion in a few sentences at the end of the discussion. A combined Results & Discussion section is also allowed. Also, illustrations (Tables, Figures, etc.) should not be embedded in this section.

Acknowledgements – should briefly highlight the assistance of persons/ organisations and grants received to carry out the research.

References – follow the Vancouver style. Reference citations in the text should numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (not in alphabetical order). Identify references in text, tables, and legends by Arabic numerals in parenthesis using square bracket as follows - [1], [2,3], [4-7], etc. Each reference cited in the text must be found in the Reference list and vice versa. Accordingly a numbered list of References should be given at the end of the text. Journal names should be abbreviated using standard abbreviations such as that of the NLM or Web of Science or Bioscience Journal Abbreviations; otherwise journal names should be written in full. Other requirement for the Vancouver referencing style should be followed.

Tables – Each Table should be numbered consecutively (as they are mentioned in text) using Arabic numerals, with title and footnote at the top and bottom respectively. Each Table should be typed on a separate sheet and, as much as possible, be in portrait orientation.

Illustrations - Figures should be very clear such as to remain legible after it has been reduced to one-third of its original size. Legends should be typed below the figure. Photographs must be sharp and clear; in suitable format, preferably JPEG.

Proofs & Reprints – Galley proof (electronic copy, as e-mail attachment) will be sent to the corresponding author who should identify errors for correction and ensure that the Editor is notified without delay. Hard copies of reprints can be supplied at stipulated rate. The complete issue can be supplied at the subscription rates determined for each volume.

Ethical considerations – It is the responsibility of authors using experimental animals and human subjects in their work to seek approval from the appropriate Ethical Committees.



I/We the undersigned author(s) of article entitled


Declare as follows:

  1. The manuscript submitted to Journal of Pharmacy & Bioresources is original and has not been and will be published, whole or in part, in print or electronic format, in any other journal. It is also not being currently considered for publication in any journal.
  2. The submitted manuscript is a joint decision of all the coauthors.
  3. Each author has participated sufficiently in the work to warrant his or her inclusion in the list of authors. To this end, each author takes responsibility for appropriate portions of the manuscript.
  4. Authors have obtained necessary approval to carry out the experiments on animals and human subjects. Approval certificates will be furnished, if required by publishers or editors of the journal.
  5. Authors do not have any conflict of interest (financial or otherwise) other than those declared.
  6. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors transfer and assign copyright of the article referenced above to Journal of Pharmacy and Bioresources.

Name & Signature of authors


Corresponding authors name address, affiliation and email:

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0189-8442
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