The influence of chips storage on pitch deposit and other pulp and paper properties of fifteen mixed hardwood species were investigated. The extractive content of the wood species utilized ranged from 1.82% in Anogeissus leiocarpus to 14.3 in Parkia felicoida. Wood chips from the fifteen species were mixed together in appropriate proportions and stored for six months. The results indicated that extractive content of wood chips decreased with storage time. Pulp pitch content also decreased with storage time. Pulp pitch content decreased from 0.529 to 0.252 after the sixth month. There was no statistical difference in the pitch content of pulp produced from chips stored for 2, 4 and 6 months indicating that two months is optimal for pitch control.. Total and screened pulp yield also decreased with storage time. However, after two months of storage, the difference in pulp yield was not significant. The bulk, burst, breaking length and tear factor decreased with increase in storage period. However, breaking length of pulp produced from control study was statistically different from those produced from chips stored for two months. This showed that two months storage period is adequate for pitch deposit control in mixed tropical hardwoods.