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Analyis of Diffrences Among Students
The paper examines personal learning styles among undergraduate students who were introduced to Educational Psychology. Eighty (80) students were involved; forty four (44) males and thirty six (36) females. The investigator adopted Lewis and Greene (1982) Personal Learning Styles instrument which had ten (10) items with alternative “a” and “b” for respondents to choose from. The sum of either if more than six (6) shows that the learning styles of a respondent. The results showed that forty six (n=46) were holist or grouper while (n=10) were stringer or serialist or stringer. Therefore, paper establishes categories and differences in learning styles among respondents, their ability to take and process information and their difficulties. It concludes by emphasizing that teachers should be aware that learning styles are points along a scale that help us to discover the difficult forms of mental representation and not characterization of what people are or are not. It also recommends that teachers should always bear in mind that their students have different learning styles and are advised to vary their methods of teaching and giving instructions.
Keywords: Learning styles, grouper, holist, stringer and serialist