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The Challenge of Utilizing Information and Communication Technology in Book Editing: A Study of Select Publishing Houses om Nigeria

S Okere


This paper, The Challenge of Utilizing Information and Communication Technology in Book Editing: A Study of Select Publishing Houses in Nigeria is a survey research. Two hundred and sixty (260) book editors working in the 87 NPA member firms within Ibadan and Ikeja, Lagos metropolis in Southwest Nigeria constituted the population. It is from this that a sample size of 80 was derived through simple random sampling technique. The researcher made use of questionnaire as instrument of data collection. Out of a total of 80 copies of the questionnaire distributed, there was 68 (85%) response rate. The researcher analysed the collected data using frequency table, simple percentage and histogram. The findings revealed a weighted average of 1.94 indicating that the editors do not effectively utilise ICT resources due to poor access to ICT resources as well as inadequate training; these had 95.5% and 91.1% response rate respectively. The researcher therefore recommended that while power generation is a national problem, NPA member-firms should seek alternative sources of power generation since ICT facilities are power-driven. Furthermore, they should make ICT training a major component of their manpower development programme for their book editors while the editors  themselves should embark on continuous self-improvement scheme in ICT application.

Keywords: ICT; Book Editing; Utilisation;

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eISSN: 1596-8308