This study investigated the effectiveness of webbing strategy on students’ achievement in algebraic word problems. It also sought to find out whether gender had any influence on the achievement of students exposed to webbing instructional strategy. A quasi –experimental non-equivalent control group design was used. The study was carried out in Gwagwalada Area Council, FCT, Abuja, Nigeria. The sample consisted of 118 Senior Secondary Two (SSII) students drawn from two randomly selected schools in the Area Council. The instrument used for data collection was an Algebraic Word Problem Achievement Test (AWPAT). A reliability index of 0.78 was obtained for the AWPAT. Data analysis was by mean, standard deviation and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Results revealed that webbing strategy significantly improved students (male and female) achievement in algebraic word problems. It was therefore recommended among others that the
strategy be adopted for the teaching of mathematics word problems in primary and secondary schools.