In the study, Lacagpregs, a multifunctional excipient series containing lactose, cashew gum and partially pregelatinized starch, were subjected to micromeritic and compaction characterization to identify the most suitable product for tablet formulation. Sieve analysis, fluid displacement, tapping experiment, Heckel analysis and lubricant sensitivity tests were carried out using standard protocols. Excipients’ particle diameters ranged from 232 μm – 320 μm with corresponding median particle diameters of 210 μm and 330 μm. The span ranged from 1.43 – 2.45, an indication of wide particle size distributions. Particle densities of excipients ranged from 1.497 g/ml to 1.503 g/ml without any significant difference. Excipients’ angle of repose ranged from 31.53o – 36.03o, Carr’s index ranged from 17.50% – 24.14%, Hausner’s ratio ranged from 1.21 – 1.32, all indicative of intermediate flow characteristics. Among the excipients, products from longer processing times displayed higher plastic deformation at constant binder concentration. The differences between the yield pressures of the excipients were significant (p < 0.05). The plastic excipients were more lubricant sensitive than the brittle ones. In conclusion, excipients containing cashew gum at 5% and processed with intermediate agitation for a duration of 30-60 min may be the best choice for drug powders with poor compactibility characteristics.
Keywords: Lacagpregs, Multifunctional excipient, Micromeritics, Compactibility
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences, Vol. 10 No. 3 (2013)