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Evaluation of lozenges formulated from the root bark extract of ZinthoxylumTessmannii
with methanol and the phytochemical composition of the extract evaluated using standard methods. Preliminary phytochemical tests were carried out on the extract, which was then tested for activity against Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus, using nystatin and ampicillin/cloxacillin as control standards respectively. The extract was formulated into lozenges by dry granulation followed by compression in a tableting machine. The compressed lozenges were evaluated for friability, thickness and diameter, weight uniformity
and content of active ingredient. The tests revealed heavy presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, oils, carbohydrates and a trace quantity of reducing sugars, tannins and steroids. The extract showed significant activity against Candida albicans in comparison with nystatin, but not against Staphylococcus aureus. The lozenges were of uniform thickness and diameter, and also conformed to the official requirements for uniformity of weight and content of active ingredient for such preparations. We conclude that the bark of the roots of Zanthoxylum tessmannii can be formulated into lozenges for oral thrush in paediatric and geriatric patients.