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Wound healing properties of ointment formulations of Ocimum gratissimum crude n-hexane bark extracts using the excision wound model

E.C. Ibezim
M.A. Momoh
V.I. Onyishi
I. Nwabunike
N.E. Ibezim
N.J. Nzekwe


present work evaluated the phyto-constituents and wound healing  properties of ointments formulated with the n-hexane crude bark extract of a plant used folklorically in wound healing, Ocimum gratissimum. The excision wound model was employed in the wound healing studies. The air-dried, size-reduced barks were subjected to Soxhlet extraction using n-hexane. The resulting n-hexane extract was subjected to phytochemical screening to identify the phytochemical constituents present.  Subsequently, the extract was employed at two concentrations (1 % w/w and 2 % w/w) in the formulation of simple ointments which were applied to excision wounds inflicted on male albino rats. The wound healings were evaluated in the animals over a period of 21 days. Results obtained showed that the ointments formulated with n-hexane bark extract of Ocimum gratissimum showed superior wound healing properties  compared to those exhibited by Cicatrin®, a standard wound healing agent, thus predisposing the extract as a potential wound healing agent when formulated as ointments.

Keywords: wound healing, ointment, Ocimum gratissimum, bark, methanol extract, Cicatrin®

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-8499