The purpose of location of the depth of groundwater (aquifer) in the area under study is to make easy for boreholes drilling. This is to enable the inhabitants to be accessible to quality water supply in order to enhance rural development. Vertical Electrical Soundings using the Schlumberger electrode configuration with a maximum of current electrodes spacing of 1362 m was carried in four locations in Ugha and Ehor. The ABEM SAS 300C Terrameter with a Booster 2000 was used for deeper current penetration. The GPS 76csx was also used to locate the northing and easting of sites and elevation of each VES point. The VES data were interpreted both manually and computer iterations using the Interpex 1Dv2 software. The results of the analysis of data indicate that there exist thick aquifers in the area of survey; Ugha 1, 83.1 m, Ugha 2, 63.8 m, Ugha 3, 181.1 m and Ehor, 74.2 m. The corresponding aquifer depths are Ugha 1, 195.7 m, Ugha 2, 124.4 m, Ugha 3, 198.6 m and Ehor, 179.6 m. This results correlate with the borehole logs at Watch Tower, Igieduma and Ehor.