This paper weighs up a number of variables vitiating electricity supply in Nigeria, and offers increased insight and awareness about their insidiousness. The study employed a survey approach, using the Rensis Likert’s attitudinal scale, to generate respondents’ data matrix that was analyzed with Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and which was facilitated by statistiXL software. By clustering the 39 variables into 13 fewer dimensions, the PCA model was able to forge a badge of gestalt identity within each platoon, a development that helps to unearth the larger meaning buried within it. Thus, we are successful in crafting, as it were, a holistic policy tableau in the crucible of electricity supply dysfunction in Nigeria. Further, along with many things that are wrong with power supply, as identified in this study, our results particularly implicated pipeline vandalization, growing demographics, rising number of deployed electrical appliances, and low level of training exposure granted the maintenance workforce, as the principal variables to blame. The outcome of this research presents a veritable, intriguing, conceptual policy model that is adjudged satisficing and intuitively appealing. The theory underpinning varimax rotation is also presented.
Keywords: Gestalt identity, Factor loading, Varimax rotation, Isospin, policy tableau
Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, Volume 20 (March, 2012), pp 413 – 422