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Application of Dar Zarrouk parameters to evaluate aquifer transmissivity in Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria
Nigeria, was carried out by the application of the Dar Zarrouk Parameter (DZP). The Schlumberger array configuration in electrical resistivity survey was adopted in acquiring the data. The geoelectric parameters were obtained from the interpretation of the data by the Schlumberger automatic analysis. The average electrical properties of each unit in layered geoelectric section were described by the Dar Zarrouk Parameter and a coefficient of anisotropyl . From the evaluation, the study showed that the aquifer transmissivity in the location gives Tr1: Tr2: Tr3: = Kd(2.341 × 106): Kd(2.705 ×106): Kd(2.400 × 106) = (2.341 × 106): (2.705j × 106): (2.400 × 106).