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Cardiogenic Embolisation And Ischaemic Stroke: A Review Of Cases Seen At The University Of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Enugu
The results showed that of the 450 medical admissions for ischemic stroke, 5.1% (23 cases) were cerebral infarction related to cardiogenic embolism. There was a male preponderance (M:F=5.7:2). The highest rate of cerebral embolism was seen in the age group 50 -59 years. The commonest observed risk factors included hypertension in association with atrial fibrillation (21.7%) and hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy (17.4%). The right cerebral hemispheres were more frequently affected (43.5%).
The relative risk (R,R) risk of cerebral Cardioembolism attributable to AF Cardiomyopathy, hypertension were 13.34 (C.I. 11.5, 15.5); 9.8, (C.I. 6.3, 1.6); 0.27 (C.I. 6.1, 2.2) respectively.
There is need for physicians to properly identify patients at risk for cardiogenic cerebral arterial emobolisation in whom anticoagulation may be beneficial.
Journal of Medical Investigation and Practice Vol. 4: 2003: 4-7