Sources of Support

Association of Resident Doctors, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital.

Subscription/hardcopy fees

There is currently no subscription charge for the journal.

Publisher Information

Association Of Resident Doctors, University Of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria

Peer Review

Following a technical review to assess whether the manuscript meets the authors guidelines, peer review begin. The paper is double-blinded, and two reviewers appointed; they are given two weeks to review the paper. Their comments and corrections are sent to the potential authors for necessary adjustments, and the final decision is made by the head of the board of review.

Publication Scheduling

The journal publishes two issues in one volume per year.

More about the journal

The Association of Resident Doctors, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital,is a body of highly intellectual Resident doctors practising in the centre from various departments, cutting across the fields of Surgery, internal medicine, Paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology to radiology, ophthalmology, pathology amongst others. We aim at excellent clinical practice amongst our Resident doctors while also encouraging cutting edge research in the the various aspects of Medical science. Hence, JOMA serves as a pedestal to encourage proper documentation and sharing with the world ground breaking knowledge while also being receptive to others with similar interest.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2756-357X
print ISSN: 2635-3032