Authors are required to send their manuscripts to the Editor at as email attachment for consideration at any time.
Manuscripts should be of about 5,000 words in Word or Rich Text Format.
The editor will inform the authors to email their bio-blurb after the verdict of the peer reviewers.

Authors are advised to follow the conventions below to avoid early rejection.
The journal has no off-prints but individual papers can be availed at a cost by African Journal Online (AJOL) in PDF format.

Instructions to Authors
1. The Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa is a peer-reviewed cross-disciplinary journal that is published by the United States International University in Kenya.
2. The Journal welcomes articles from a wide-range of disciplines in a bid to promote research & publication and inter-disciplinary dialogue.
3. The Journal appears twice in a year and is hosted by African Journals Online (AJOL) and available for free.
4. Manuscripts for consideration should be mailed to the Editor electronically at as file attachments.
5. On average we accept manuscripts of about 10-15 typed pages, New Times Roman, point 12, single-spacing, in Word Format.
6. Manuscripts should be accompanied by a bio-blurb (not CV!) briefly (about 50 words or less) indicating prior research work and publications, research interests, institutional affiliations, etc.
7. Off-prints are not provided.
8. Published papers will be hosted online by African Journal Online (AJOL).
9. The journal is a property of the United States International University.
10. Expressions, words or phrases that are not in the language of the article should be explained e.g. mtoto “child”
11. Examples should be numbered with Arabic numerals. A word-for-word gloss followed by proper translation is required for linguistic examples derived from other languages, e.g.: 1. A-na-kula nyama He/She-present tense marker-eat meat He/she is eating meat.
12. List all abbreviations and explain them at the end of article.
13. Provide references immediately after the text: Sort authors names alphabetically using surnames and add postscripts (a, b,c, etc) to the date of publication if the author has more than 2 books in the same year, e.g. Onyango (2009c).
14. Titles of articles and books should only capitalize the first word, the rest of the title in lower case. Italicize titles of articles and books: Examples: Leech, Geoffrey (1983) Principles of Pragmatics. London/New York: Longman. Labov, William (1972a) Language in the inner city: Studies in the Black Vernacular Philadelphia: University of Pennyslavia Press. Labov, William (1972b) Sociolinguistic patterns. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Culpepper, Jonathan (1996) Towards an anatomy of impoliteness. Journal of Pragmatics 25.3:349- 367.
15. Use footnotes (after text) or endnotes (before the references section) to make your work more legible. Use Arabic numerals for the footnotes and endnotes.
16. Use double quotation marks for short quotes but place longer quotes in an indented paragraph separate from main text body with a single space.
17. All illustrations (tables, figures, etc) should be integrated in the text.
18. Provide plain text without coloring of letters or background, word-processing etc. Avoid color pictures or diagrams.
19. Provide an abstract of about 300 words

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1998-1279
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