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Knowledge, attitude and prevention practice of Rhesus incompatibility among women of childbearing age in Rumueme Community of Port Harcourt

Patience Itaa
Ngozi Dennis Willy


Rhesus incompatibility is a condition that occurs during pregnancy if a woman has Rh negative blood and her baby has Rh positive blood. This study adopted a survey design with the aim of investigating the knowledge, attitude and prevention of Rhesus incompatibility among women of childbearing age in Rumueme community of Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State. The study employed quantitative approach which allows for the data collected to be analysed numerically, make predictions, test causal relationships and generalize results to wider populations. This study was conducted on 87 pregnant women registered at Primary Health Centre Rumueme, Tombia Street, Port Harcourt, Obio/Akpor Local Government Area between the period of January, 2022 to June, 2023. Findings showed that pregnant women in the study area did not really see maternal-foetal blood incompatibility as a serious problem. Clearly the level of awareness is low and the low level of knowledge must have been responsible for negative attitudes. Therefore, interventions aimed at social and behaviour change should primarily target increasing knowledge, improving attitudes and addressing the gaps in practices highlighted by the study are recommended. It was concluded that more efforts should be made to make the incompatibility test even free to women attending clinics. Community healthcare service providers and churches should include in their services to counsel women on the importance of maternal-fetal blood incompatibility test. Women of childbearing age should check their status and those of their partners in terms of blood group, genotype and rhesus compatibility before engaging in relation for the purpose of procreation.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2756-5343