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Role of public administration in rebuilding Nigerian productivity in economic resilience

Joy Harry


Public administration is popularly regarded as the handmaid of public policies. However, this traditional role of public administration has since changed. Public administrators now play vital roles in policy formulation as the perceived gap between politics and administration continue to close up. In the quest for productivity in economic resilience public administration is certainly a game changer. Therefore, with the use of the ecological theory, the paper argued that in the quest for productivity, there are stumbling blocks which public administration should overcome. These include among others: lack of ethical climate in the public sector, poor professionalization of public administration, lack of inclusive decision making, attitudinal change by public officers, pursuit of foreign paradigm of development, lack of merit system in the public sector and low morale among public administrators. The paper finally made recommendations on how to achieveproductive in economic resilience through public administration. These include: comparative pay and reward system, ability to develop home grown development paradigm and emphasis on merit and zero tolerance to corruption.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2756-5343