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Emerging ethical issues in university administration in Nigeria educational institutions

John Amaoge Wordu


Educational institutions are knowledge factories where individuals are  enriched with skills, knowledge and capacity to nurture and develop their potentials. University consists of teachers who are widely read with knowledge and skills with the onus of producing students worthy in character and learning. The study explores the emerging issues in university administration in Nigeria in educational institutions. Emerging issues in university administration are behavioral patterns that undermine the integrity of the educational system. Some of these ethical issues are examination malpractices, indecent dressing, cult-related activities, sexual harassment, extortion from students through the sale of textbooks and
blatant disregard for schools ethos and code of conduct. As a way forward, the study suggests that educational institutions should, as a priority, establish dress codes for students and teachers and sensitize students on the core values of Nigerian culture and the likely consequence of unethical issues on the psychic of individuals and the university community.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2756-5343